Only one week left in January! How is your New Year treating you? If you made any resolutions, are you still going strong? Are you struggling with it?
If you’re like me, there’s been some positive change coupled with negative. Any time I shift my focus onto one particular thing (Writing every morning, for instance), another aspect of my life and habits ends up suffering. Balance is key. Always remember that part of a healthy lifestyle is some down time! It doesn’t have to be much, and what that “down time” is varies from person to person. Prayer and meditation, going for walks, reading, playing games, watching a movie. Whatever it is, make sure you set aside some time for it. If not every day, then at least once a week.
We all need to recharge our batteries! And if one of those ways to recharge your batteries is reading, well, we’ve got some news for you!
Car Wars Discussion Podcast!
Last Friday Steve Jackson joined several of the authors on TDB Pirate Radio to discuss the Car Wars tie-in novels that Three Ravens will be producing. If you’re at all interested in seeing what we’re cooking up, you won’t regret tuning in for the hour-long podcast! It is well worth your time. Lots of laughs, cool story concepts, and news from Steve Jackson on new releases from his company!
Declan Finn joins the ranks of the Three Ravens!
We’re proud to announce that Declan Finn will be joining our publishing catalog with his fantasy series Love at First Bite. If you’re a fan of urban fantasy, you won’t want to miss this series. And if you’re new to Declan, check out his St. Tommy NYPD series of action-packed urban fantasy novels. There are twelve of them, so that should keep you busy until Love at First Bite begins to drop in the coming weeks!

Book Trailers and Audio Books!
Our two newest releases – Michael Falciani’s Dwarves of Rahm: Omens of War and Christopher Woods’ Annoyed With Lloyd – now have book trailers live and on YouTube. Give ‘em a watch, and please share them!
Further, we’re happy to announce that both books have audio versions on the way! Dwarves of Rahm will be narrated by Harry Frost, and Annoyed With Lloyd will be narrated by Debra Bokur. Look for them in the coming weeks!