Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us do make some kind of judgment on the cover of any book or game or video we’re considering buying. It’s just human nature, which is why so much effort (should) go into proper cover design, from the font to the artwork to the blurb from the AAA author/influencer. After that, you’ve got the backcover blurb that’s the next big selling point to focus on.
The two keys here for writers, marketers, and readers are resonance and promises. The first thing readers are looking for when browsing for their next read is whether or not something about the title or the artwork or the author’s name (if they’re a known quantity) resonates with them. If you can manage to scratch that itch with the cover and the backcover blurb, you’ve completed the first step in hooking readers and promising them that the book in their hands (or on their screens) will give them what they’re looking for, whatever that something happens to be. A particular genre, a certain set of tropes, a great cast of characters, a fantastic world to explore, etc.
And speaking of cover art…
Raven and the Crow in the News!
Specifically, the cover art for the upcoming third novel in the series, Shores of Blood. As with the first two novels, the cover art for this third one came as a result of a contest among high school artists. The winner, Tierney Frost of Carson High, was featured with author Michael K. Falciani in an article by the Nevada Appeal. Well done, Tierney! It’s an excellent cover for an excellent epic fantasy series.

Imadjinn Award Finalists Released!

It’s hard to believe we’re already into convention season in 2023, and this post serves as a reminder of that! Imaginarium is a fantasy/sci-fi con in Louisville, Kentucky, and each year they host the Imadjinn Awards. The finalist list is usually released around this time, with the winners announced at the convention in July. Check out the full list at their site, and read on to see who from Three Ravens made the cut!
Michael K. Falciani’s Raven and the Crow: The Gray Throne is in the running for Best Fantasy Novel! His first book won best audiobook narration last year, so we’re confident book two will win this year! And his latest novel, The Dwarves of Rahm: Omens of War is up for best Steampunk novel.

Our own William Joseph Roberts is competing against himself for the audiobook category this time around! Two of his books, Wildcat: Foreclosure of a Dream and Smuggler’s Run (Cowritten with Christopher Woods) are in the running for best audiobook narration against Rimworld – The Rift
Narrated by Walt Allen / Written by JLCurtis

JTF-13 has made it into the Best Historical Novel category with John M. Olsen’s High Hopes. You won’t want to miss the clash of human technology against ancient magic that takes place in the skies over war-torn Europe!

For best short story collection, two of our authors made the finalist cut! We have Stephen Oliver’s Paranormal City and Chris Durston’s Chronicles from the World of Guilt for the judges to consider. Good luck, you two! They’re both fantastic.

And in the best Science Fiction novel category, we have Rimworhttps://www.amazon.com/Rimworld-Diplomatic-Immunity-JL-Curtis-ebook/dp/B09QLL1SFJld – Diplomatic Immunity by Jim Curtis

Last but certainly not least, It Came From the Trailer Park 2 is up there for Best Anthology. This anthology series is a popular one for us, and we’re excited to see it as a finalist this year!