And sadly I’m not there! We’re busy at home taking care of a lot of much-needed repairs and other work, but partner-in-crime William Joseph Roberts and many of Three Ravens’ authors are out in force at LibertyCon.
The Three Ravens booth has quite the spread on it, although by this time (Sunday morning) a good bit has been sold!

The Car Wars panel went off without a hitch. We’re super-excited to show you what’s in store in the coming weeks and months! If you enjoyed Burning Roads, you’ll love what’s coming next!

A bottle of whiskey may or may not have gotten killed during the biker panel…

And that’s it for the update! Quick, but loaded with pictures. Fun is being had by all at LibertyCon this year, and it does my heart good to see it. We’re sad we couldn’t make it this year, but by this time next year we’ll be in a much better place to make it to the next one!
And since I mentioned Burning Roads, have you gotten your copy yet? If you’re the least bit interested in action-adventure fiction in a post-apocalyptic setting, you owe it to yourself to give it a read! You won’t be disappointed. It’s one of William’s best, and they’re only gonna get better!