That was the question of the day at my place today! We’re getting our house ready for sale, and one of the biggest projects aside from painting and some general maintenance is our deck and balcony. They’re nearly forty years old, and hadn’t been well maintained by the time we got the place back in the early 2010s. The bones (or “Guts!” as my toddler says) are still in great shape, but most of the deck boards and rails were being held together by force of habit and, it turns out, hornet nests!

It took four of us and about six hours, but everything’s off now and the hornet legion has been routed, leaving behind many dead on the field of battle. The rest are now refugees in search of a home, and I hope they don’t choose the pile of old deck boards as their home, because on Monday we get to load all that into a dump truck once the contractors get here to put the new deck up. They can have fun with all that.
What big projects are you working on this summer? I hope it’s less of a headache as what we’re dealing with. And speaking of projects… (but not headaches!)
The Car Warriors Kickstarter Project Has Broken the $5,000 mark!

Congratulations are in order to all the backers of the Car Warriors Kickstarter project! We’ve officially broken the $5,000 mark, which means we’ve unlocked the Lead Character Tuckerization add-on. For those who are interested, here’s the write-up on that. If you’ve ever wanted to be written in as a lead character in a story put out by Three Ravens, then this one is for you!
Have you ever wanted to be part of the stories you love so much? Well, with this add-on, you can.
With this level of tuckerization, we will write you in as the Lead Point of View, and a story created to showcase the character in a novel of your own, who will also become a recurring character in the universe.
The Lead character is the center of attention, the Harry Dresden, Buffy, or Logan to their respective story.
With your permission, we will use your actual name or preferred “call sign”, and schedule an in-depth discussion about what type of character you’d like them to be.
In addition to this, an open-call Car Wars anthology has been unlocked. We’re currently kicking around some ideas about the theme and leaning towards convoy-themed chaos, but let us know what you’d like to see! We’re open to suggestions, and the crazier the better.
As an added bonus, any and all backers of the project will receive ebook copies of the following books!
- Dragoon: First Strike by Peter Stanley
- Crossways: The Wayman Chronicles by Michael J Allen
We’ve got another stretch goal that we’re fast approaching, the unlocking of 3D models of vehicles from 72 Hours to Graceland by David Hensley, the second book in the Car Warriors fiction universe and the second book in the Dead Man’s Run story arc! You’re gonna love this book, and the vehicles that are showcased in it.
Stephen Oliver Radio Interview!

Stephen Oliver, author of Paranormal City (available on Amazon), was interviewed by Fenland Youth Radio recently to discuss his writing style, his books, and the awards his fiction has earned! The interview can be found on his website:
The B.E.N.T. Novel Challenge is getting closer to the end!
How’s your B.E.N.T. novel coming along? Mine is non-existent, but don’t be like me! Be more like William, who’s making steady progress on his! There’s still time to get yours finished and join the exciting superhero universe.

Like Superheroes? Well, we’re looking for novels in Christopher Wood’s B.E.N.T. universe. We’ve put a challenge out to the writing community as sort of a flash Nano, to write a 50,000 word novel in 45 days based in the B.E.N.T superhero universe created by Christopher Woods. The first book in the series, Annoyed with Lloyd initially kicked off the series last December. Everything about the series has been well received, especially since it was based around the Super Hero tropes that most people know and love. Since then, we’ve talked to a number of authors interested in writing in the universe to get something larger than a short story under their belt.
So, we issued the challenge. Write a 50,000 word novel in the B.E.N.T. universe in 45 days, ready to be reviewed for publication. The amount of interest in the project has been exciting. I think the fact that it is a short novel, instead of something 80,000 words or larger is part of the draw. Plus there isn’t any worldbuilding to do, it’s done. It’s the world that we live in with a few minor tweaks, like Super Heroes. This project has already inspired a surge of creativity in the community, especially the baby authors, and we look forward to seeing what the participating authors come up with.
Confirmed authors working on the project: Christopher Woods / William Joseph Roberts / David Hensley / Mellisa Olthoff / Nick Steverson / Gustavo Bondoni / Philip K. Booker / Jenny Wren
Genre: Superheroes
Word Count: 50,000 +/-
Edited by: Christopher Woods/William Joseph Roberts
Due Date: August 31, 2023
Email submissions to: threeravenspublishing @ gmail dot com with “B.E.N.T. 45 to 50k” in the subject line
Payment: Stories selected for publication will receive a contract for a percentage of all royalties received.
Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here.
Those who turn in their stories by August 31st, will be considered for the next publishing slots. All submissions to the universe after the due date will also be considered for publication, so don’t give up, but you will be slated for a later publication date if accepted.