We’re all unique individuals, with bodies that didn’t roll off some assembly line somewhere. I had a teacher in high school who only needed three hours of sleep per night, and she was as rested as someone else getting the recommended eight hours a night. She didn’t just survive on that little sleep. She thrived on it.

Sadly, I am not one of those people. I subsist on five to six hours a night, but I know I’d feel a lot better with seven to eight. I don’t ever get that anymore, and I wish I could get by with less. So, what works for you? How much does your body tell you it needs, and how much do you actually give it on a given night? If you’re anything like our resident squirrel wrangler William Joseph Roberts, you probably give your body very little rest and you expect it to keep up with you.
If you can get by on very little sleep for extended periods of time, then a long distance race might be in your future! A long distance race like the Dead Man’s Run from the Car Warriors universe…
Car Warriors Kickstarter Keeps Racing On!

We’re past the $6,000 mark on the Car Warriors: The Autoduel Chronicles Kickstarter project! Well done to the 96 backers! We can’t thank you enough for this. You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve unlocked a new stretch goal with this: now vehicles from Dave Hensley’s 72 Hours to Graceland novel will get the 3D model treatment. And we’re a little over halfway from unlocking the next stretch goal, which will be 3D models for Christopher Woods’ novel Marathon of Madness!

With 17 days to go, we’re past the halfway point on the campaign and are eager to see where it ends up. Again, thank you to our 96 backers! We couldn’t do this without you.
And don’t forget that the lead character Tuckerization is available as an add-on for one lucky Car Warrior!

Craig Flowers Joins the Stable!
We’re excited to announce that Craig Flowers has signed on as an author through Three Ravens Publishing! We will be publishing Mice in the Walls, a novel about… Well, let Craig describe it to you in his own words:

Congratulations, Craig! We’re happy to have you with us.
The Raven and the Crow and a 3D Printer…
Michael K. Falciani has fans of his Raven and the Crow series all over the world, and many of them are quite talented in their own right! One of his fans in England created a 3D model of Kildare and Zedaine and sent it to Michael. How cool is that? Writer achievement unlocked!

The B.E.N.T. challenge is almost over!
Only a few days remain until the August 31st deadline! How’s your B.E.N.T. novel coming along?

Like Superheroes? Well, we’re looking for novels in Christopher Wood’s B.E.N.T. universe. We’ve put a challenge out to the writing community as sort of a flash Nano, to write a 50,000 word novel in 45 days based in the B.E.N.T superhero universe created by Christopher Woods. The first book in the series, Annoyed with Lloyd initially kicked off the series last December. Everything about the series has been well received, especially since it was based around the Super Hero tropes that most people know and love. Since then, we’ve talked to a number of authors interested in writing in the universe to get something larger than a short story under their belt.
So, we issued the challenge. Write a 50,000 word novel in the B.E.N.T. universe in 45 days, ready to be reviewed for publication. The amount of interest in the project has been exciting. I think the fact that it is a short novel, instead of something 80,000 words or larger is part of the draw. Plus there isn’t any worldbuilding to do, it’s done. It’s the world that we live in with a few minor tweaks, like Super Heroes. This project has already inspired a surge of creativity in the community, especially the baby authors, and we look forward to seeing what the participating authors come up with.
Confirmed authors working on the project: Christopher Woods / William Joseph Roberts / David Hensley / Mellisa Olthoff / Nick Steverson / Gustavo Bondoni / Philip K. Booker / Jenny Wren
Genre: Superheroes
Word Count: 50,000 +/-
Edited by: Christopher Woods/William Joseph Roberts
Due Date: August 31, 2023
Email submissions to: threeravenspublishing @ gmail dot com with “B.E.N.T. 45 to 50k” in the subject line
Payment: Stories selected for publication will receive a contract for a percentage of all royalties received.
Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here.
Those who turn in their stories by August 31st, will be considered for the next publishing slots. All submissions to the universe after the due date will also be considered for publication, so don’t give up, but you will be slated for a later publication date if accepted.