The Car Warriors Kickstarter campaign ended earlier this week, and it was a phenomenal success! Thank you to all 139 backers for your contributions! We raised $8,185, well beyond the $500 goal we’d initially set. Because of that, many stretch goals were unlocked, and we’ve secured funding to help us well into the future of this franchise!

The fulfillment process has begun, so check your e-mails for surveys that will need to be filled out for addresses and other pertinent information.
And get ready for a lot of great Car Warriors action to come! You’re not going to want to miss a single novel or story that’s in store.

Michael Falciani Interview
Michael Falciani, author of the Raven and the Crow books and the Dwarves of Rahm series (and more!), was interviewed recently by a local news station out of Carson City, Nevada: KOLO 8. Click here to go to the their video!

Peter Stanley on Blasters and Blades to Talk Dragoon

Michael’s not the only one in the interview space this week. He’s joined by Peter Stanley on a Blasters and Blades podcast! Peter’s been in the news a lot lately, and there’s good reason why. His debut novel, Dragoon: First Strike, is an absolute blast to read for fans of X-COM, Wing Commander, and Independence Day. But beside that, he’s a great guy with an entertaining and engaging style to him. Tune in to the podcast to hear him talk about Dragoon and more!
And while you’re at it, check out Peter’s novel on Amazon today!

Hillbilly on the Run, and Lee Ellis Sighting in the Wild!
Last, but not least, Hillbilly (William Joseph Roberts) is on the run this week, meeting and delivering books. He dropped off a copy of Burning Roads at the Brown Squirrel Furniture Store in Knoxville, which got turned into Big Bill’s Dine and Dash in the Car Warriors universe, showing up in Burning Roads, book 1 of the Dead Man’s Run sub-series.

And while he was out and about, he met up with Lee Ellis, author of the Kildash fantasy series! The first three books are currently available on Amazon, but they will soon be re-released under the Three Ravens label. We’re excited to have him aboard! We’re also excited about his ride. Think we can deck it out with some guns and enter it into the Dead Man’s Run in the Car Warriors universe?