Halloween is almost here! All across the country, families big and small, grown and young are gearing up for trick or treating, house decorations, and parties. While the neighborhood we currently live in doesn’t do much in the way of celebrating (Rural roads can be like that), I remember the neighborhood we grew up in doing it so well that parents from other neighborhoods would bring their kids to our street.
I also remember keeping the house dark during the trick-or-treating hours on years we didn’t go out and we didn’t want visitors. I don’t remember why that was, other than maybe it was when Dad had to work and only Mom would be home with us. Those times could be fun, too, at least when I was really young.
And if you find yourself in a “hide in the dark from the neighbors” kind of mood this Halloween, there’s no reason why you can’t have a book in your hand at the same time! A Kindle screen puts out a lot less light than a TV, after all. And you’re in luck, because we’ve got some Halloween-themed options for you…
It Came From the Trailer Park 3 is Almost Here!
Yes, you read that right. The third volume of our best-selling It Came From the Trailer Park anthology series of creature feature shorts is launching on Halloween morning! Pull off your boots, crack a cold one, and come sit with us for a spell. From Crossroad Demons to Vampires, you’re sure to find a favorite tale or three in this collection.

And if that isn’t enough for you, here’s here’s some promotional art put together by co-editor Philip K. Booker:

Pre-order it now on Amazon, so you’ll have it as soon as it launches! And while you’re at it, check out Volume 1 and Volume 2. You’re sure to find something you like!

And don’t forget that if you’re in the Murphy, North Carolina and Copperhill, Tennessee areas on Halloween, you can stop by Buck Bald Brewing for a pint of a very trailer park-themed drink to honor the short story Pixie Dusted! They’ll also have copies of Trailer Park volume 3 for purchase!

Tower of Horror Book
If that isn’t enough horror for you, we’ve got another anthology that’ll scratch that spine tingling itch of yours! Edited by Nick Steverson and Marisa Wolf, Thirteen Stories of Horror is perfect for a dark and stormy Friday the 13th, or even a candy-filled Halloween! So, light the candles, stir the cauldron, and check your ammo count, because things are about to get dark!

It’s available on Amazon now, so don’t wait!
Now, let’s shift gears into something… well, something involving gear shifting:
72 Hours to Graceland is Off to the Races!
David Hensley’s debut novel 72 Hours to Graceland launched on Friday, and it’s doing well! As the second book in the Dead Man’s Run story arc of the Car Warriors novelizations, it has a lot of weight to carry, and it carries it well. Very well. If action-adventure and racing fiction is your thing, mixed in with a bit of gunplay and even some cannibals sprinkled in, you won’t want to miss this race. Strap on your armor and head to the starting line! These autoduellers aren’t gonna wait for a bunch of lugs who’ll slow them down, after all:

Read the blurb below, and then catch it on Amazon!
Bobby Hank is one of yesteryear’s living legends, an autoduellist once known as the Pale Rider.
These days he’s scraping out a living in the Hampton Roads Dead Zone, chased by old age, regret, and a cannibal horde. If he slips up, his wife Kat stays dead, and he really will be a has-been.
But opportunity is knocking . . .
Gordon Cory, an old pal from his bygone days of glory, has Bobby in mind for one last ride – the Dead Man’s Run, a nationwide road rally ending in the badlands of North Dakota.
Enormous cash prize aside, winning would mean a spot for Kat in a Herolutions research program. To start, he’ll have just three days to get to Memphis, Tennessee.
Can the Pale Rider survive long enough to win big?
Anthology Open Call for Everyday Heroes:
Lastly, we have an important if sobering open call to put out there. Our author J.F. Posthums and her husband Mark lost their eldest son back in June of this year. He was a policeman with the Wintergreen Police Department and lost his life in the line of duty.

In Honor of Mark Christopher Wagner the 2nd, we are looking for compelling and heartfelt stories centered around those who serve their communities. Stories of Firefighters, First responders, Law Enforcement, etc. Those Everyday Heroes who make a difference in the lives of their communities.

Head over to the Open Calls page to see the full requirements, and thank you for your interest! Due date is May 1st, 2024, with the release date on October 23rd, Chris’s birthday.
Coming soon to early readers and fans of the JTF-13 series