(Well, that last part isn’t quite true, but it sounded good so I went with it.)
We’re already two weeks into January, and the first convention has come and gone! Chattacon 49 went from January 12th to 14th and, according to William Joseph Roberts, it couldn’t have gone better. Ol’ Hillbilly served as Toastmaster for the event, giving him a chance to trade stories with some of the industry’s greats. He’ll be giving his After Action Report here in a few days, so look forward to it!
The next big event coming up is Superstars Writing conference out in Colorado Springs, from February 8th through 10th. It’s not a fan convention, and it’s a bit on the pricey side, but it is worth it for those looking to advance their writing careers. From the knowledge you’ll gain to the connections and friendships you’ll make, it’s worth every penny. Just make sure to let your body adjust to the oxygen difference if you live near sea level like I do. It’ll knock the wind out of you if you’re not careful!
New Anthologies on the Way!
Acceptances and rejections are being sent out for JR Handley’s Assault Team. If military sci-fi is what you like, you can’t go wrong with this! We’ll have official cover art and the list of authors soon, once contracts have been signed and returned.
Uncommon courage was a common virtue that day. These are a collection of stories about the common soldier rising to the occasion and defending their ship against enemy hordes. Or they can be those same heroes capturing the enemy ship, but regardless of which side of the boarding party they’re on, courage is the underlying theme.

And we have another anthology that’s in the “contracts sent out” stage that Hillbilly and Jenny E. Wren are putting together for you. It’s an “anything goes so long as it fits the theme” kind of anthology titled What If… Walls Could Talk?
This collection of Speculative fiction short stories will without a doubt take you on an adventure and cause the synapses to fire. The what if series is just that, what if something happened differently? What if Vikings were inhabiting the East Coast of America when Columbus arrived? What if Kennedy survived the assassination attempt? What If… It’s thought-provoking and starts the mind down random rabbit holes of possibilities.

And lastly, we’ve got Heathens & Heroes at the same point in production. Rejections sent out, acceptances and contracts sent, and with the list of authors already present on the cover art! Check this out, and get ready for sword and sorcery in the vein of Conan the Barbarian: