It’s hard to believe January’s almost over, but it is. I could wax poetic about where all the time goes, but we all know where it goes: down the cosmic crapper! We can’t stop time from grinding forward (or swirling downward?), but we can make the most of it while we’ve got it.
From being slammed with slush pile submissions to getting anthologies out, there’s a lot going on at Three Ravens. Add to that all the personal life stuff we’ve all got going on, and there’s quite a lot on our plates. I have no doubt it’s the same for you. How do you prioritize? Do you focus on the most critical thing until it’s finished and then move on to the next task, or do you have a lot of irons in the fire that you keep going back to? We each have our own circumstances and our own way of doing things, but what’s the best way you take care of the tasks life has set out for you to do?
Speaking of multiple irons in the fire, there are a few things to announce!
Car Warriors Anthology is Approaching the Finish Line
It’s been a long race, but that race is almost over! Go Hard or Go Home is in final edits and publishing assembly. Expect it out in the wilds of Amazon in the next few months. If running and gunning through the wastelands is your thing, you won’t want to miss it!

Superstars Is Coming Up!

We’ve got a great writer’s conference coming up next week. Superstars is small in size (Roughly a few hundred attendees), but big in content and connections. It runs from February 8th through the 10th in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and it is well worth the time and expense if you are seeking to advance your writing career. Whether you need to hone the craft or focus on the marketing side of things, there’s something for everyone. It’s a welcoming place for writers at all stages of the journey, and one we can’t recommend enough. Several Ravens will be in attendance, and we’ll even have William Joseph Roberts on as staff this year!
Novel Submissions Closed Until December
Due to an incredible list of submissions we’ve received in recent months, we’ve decided to close novel submissions until we’ve had a chance to pare down the list and give the stories we’ve received the care and attention they all deserve. We’ll open again in December, and the submissions window will run until December 31st. Check the guidelines page for exactly what we’re looking for.
This does not include short story submissions. All active anthologies that haven’t passed their deadline date are still receiving submissions. If this is something you’re interested in, head over to the Open Calls page and see what we’ve got!
So, you’ve got almost ten months to go before that window opens again! Work hard, and give us your best!