That’s another LibertyCon in the books!

It’s crazy how quickly LibertyCon weekend arrives and then soars away to leave you missing your chosen family for the next year.

For me, LibertyCon is without a doubt a yearly family reunion. There are so many great people who I consider part of our extended clan and we all live so far apart that LIbertyCon is one of the few times a year we may see each other.

Rare photo of William Joseph Roberts in the wild between panels

As usual, I was all over the place, doing panels, talking to others, and hanging out at the table.

Again, for those who don’t know what LibertyCon is, it is a Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors business convention, meant to help authors network, meet publishers, and learn the craft/business of writing and publishing.

Plus, we have fun. Lots of fun.

As with the last couple of years, we kicked things off with the It Came From the Trailer Park panel, which had over 52 attendees. That to me is awesome to have a turnout of that size and be one of the first panels of the convention. It just amazes me at the popularity of this anthology series, but people are having fun with it. I keep wondering why folks are so drawn to it, but I keep coming back to the fact that it’s just flat-out fun to write and fun to read, and has become a thing among fandom.

Trailer Park authors/editors
Left to Right: David Badurina, William Joseph Roberts, Rob Howell, Lawdog, Jenny E. Wren, Philip K. Booker

Kim Schoeffel brought something special to the panel

Flaming Anus courtesy of Kim Schoeffel. Kinda fitting for the Trailer Park panel, which I shared with anyone willing to try 2.2 million Scoville chocolate.
(It wasn’t that bad actually)
We had to revisit the Raven Rules after Jenny Wren decided to try the Flaming Anus chocolate

Then there was the What’s new with CAR WARS, where we got to talk about the Car Warriors series, which was funny because it seemed like half of our discord server was either on or in the audience for the panel.

Left to Right: Marisa Wolf, William Joseph Roberts, Jenny E. Wren, David Hensley, Steve Jackson, Irene Zielinski 

And of course, we had our What’s New with Three Ravens Panel on Sunday to close out the convention, and had a wonderful turnout.

Michael Gants, Dan Hollifield, William Joseph Roberts
J. F. Posthumus talking about Taming the Night
Mark and Jenny Posthumus talking about the Scales of Injustice series
Recognizing Isaac Craft for his cover art
David Hensley talking about the first book of his and J. R. Handley’s Ghostship series
David Hensley receiving his Raven Coin
David Badurina talking about his upcoming series, Space Pew Pew
The galactic superstar in the Space Pew Pew universe

And then there was Karaoke

Me and the spawn singing Diggy Diggy Hole

And, something special this year, my oldest and my handler at Cons made a patch quilt from Uncle Timmy’s old Liberty Con shirts that Brandy donated for the cause. The quilt brought in $850 at the charity auction.

Otherwise, here’s a photo dump and a few videos I snagged while at the con, including some Karaoke action. And if I might also not, Michael Lavoice has one hell of a voice. 🙂

Live Reading from Philip K. Booker and David Badurina

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