JTF-13 Gets a Facelift!

Fans of Joint Task Force 13, get ready for some new cover art! It had come to our attention that the original coat of arms for JTF-13 was just a little too close to a real world military organization’s logo, and we wanted to avoid any issues that could have arisen from that. Besides, it gave us an excuse to make a brand new logo and make it truly our own.

Say hello to the new Joint Task Force 13 covers! These are already updated on Amazon, so if one strikes your fancy, click the image! Or, to see the whole series in one spot, click here to be taken to the Joint Task Force 13 Amazon page.

Heathens & Heroes Anthology on Audible!

As the heading says, if Conan the Barbarian-inspired fantasy is your favorite kind of fun, let your ears be tickled with the screams of the dying and the sighs of the saved in the audio presentation of Heathens & Heroes, part of the William Joseph Roberts Presents line of anthologies we’re proud to publish.

Welcome to “Heathens & Heroes,” where the bravest souls find their destiny amidst the chaos of battle, and ancient swords gleam with untold power while dark magic crackles like lightning across the battlefield. Embark on an epic journey through the realms of imagination with this spellbinding anthology of sword and sorcery tales.

From the shadowed corridors of forgotten castles to the savage wilderness where mythical beasts roam, immerse yourself in a tapestry of adventure, honor, and mystic intrigue.
Where legendary warriors clash with dark sorcerers, and valiant heroes rise from the ashes of despair to defy fate itself.

Each story is a portal to a world of perilous quests, where the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance and the line between heroism and villainy blurs in the heat of battle.

Will you answer the call to adventure?

Skunkworks Anthology is Canceled

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel another anthology. The Skunkworks one didn’t receive enough submissions that fit the theme we were looking for. We may revisit it at some point, but for now the Skunkworks will fade into obscurity!

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