Our author J.F. Posthums and her husband Mark lost their eldest son back in June of 2023. He was a policeman with the Wintergreen Police Department and lost his life in the line of duty.

In Honor of Mark Christopher Wagner the 2nd, we are looking for compelling and heartfelt stories centered around those who serve their communities. Stories of Firefighters, First responders, Law Enforcement, etc. Those Everyday Heroes who make a difference in the lives of their communities.

- Genre: Contemporary Fiction
- Word Count: 5,000 – 10,000
- Opening Essay by: To Be Determined
- Edited by: William Joseph Roberts
- Anchor Author: To Be Determined
- Due Date: May 1, 2024
- Planned release: October 23, 2024 (Chris’s birthday)
Email submissions to: threeravenspublishing @ gmail dot com with “Everyday Heroes” in the subject line
Payment: Stories selected for publication in the upcoming Anthology, will receive a percentage of sales divided equally between the contributing authors.
Charitable Work: A portion of all royalties received for this project will be donated to the family of Mark Christopher Wagner the 2nd through the Wintergreen Police Department of Virginia for the life of the title.
Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here