There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae and, during times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from a long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs. Then also, there are the humans who purposely force that wall down seeking glory and power. Either way, there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force 13, those who have proven they have the mettle to confront soul blasting otherness on the battlefield. This unit, this organization, though, has been intertwined with our country since its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward.
They hold the line … BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL.

The debut book of the hot new military science fiction series, Joint Task Force 13. There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae and, during times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs. Then also, there are the humans who purposely force that wall down seeking glory and power. Either way, there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force 13, those who have proven they have the metal to confront soul blasting otherness on the battlefield. This unit, this organization, though, has been intertwined with our country since its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward. They hold the line …… BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen take on the forces of the Supernatural, defending America’s military from the things that come from a deeper darkness than the night. Six tales from the past and present as they meet the supernatural with hot lead and cold steel, in the debut of the new series, JOINT TASK FORCE 13.
“Redeye” by Dan Humphreys follows a pair of military contractors as they fly home from a job in the Middle East. Unknown to the two ex-Rangers, onboard is a necromancer intent on getting a foothold in the United States.

“Run through the Jungle” by Lloyd Behm II. A French plantation owner turns to the supernatural to punish all sides in the Vietnam War, dragging the men of Task Force 13 into a vicious battle with the undead.
“Revolution” by Lucas Marcum. Outside Valley Forge in the brutal winter of 1777, American Marines and British Redcoats team up to defeat an Old World threat that has been leaving soldiers of both sides drained of blood and lifeless in the snow.
“Spy vs. Spy” by Michael Morton. In the opening moves of the Pacific War, an American detachment takes on a Japanese intelligence officer in the Philippines who using supernatural powers to run a spy network.
“Devil Dogs” by Chris Bast. A young Marine in the mountains of Afghanistan beholds the horrors of hell as his platoon is overrun by demons, and his desire for revenge drives him to accompany a JTF 13 squad as they hunt the demons’ master.
“Troll” by J.F. Holmes. A squad from the 82nd Airborne is wiped out trying to destroy a bridge behind enemy lines on June 6th, 1944, and the Task Force is called in to deal with the ancient enemy hiding beneath it.
You can also pick up the trade paperback “Legacy” cover version.

The first full novel of the explosive new Joint Task Force 13 series!
France, 1944. Allied forces are fighting in the hedgerows of Normandy, battling German armored forces. Hastily established airfields provided close air support and battle the Luftwaffe for control of the skies. One airfield is overrun by a supernatural horde, destroying every craft except a P-61 Black Widow, the allies new night fighter. Task Force 13, busy fighting the outbreaks of supernatural that always accompanies war, hasn’t an extra Marine to spare. A scratch crew of soldiers, airmen, and one stray Marine pilot are given orders to seek out and destroy the horde of “gremlins” before they do further damage. Along the way they stir up something larger than they bargained for, and the war takes to the air.
Sea Serpent

What the history books never tell you…
In the decades leading up to the first Gulf War, modern weapons shake the air, land, and sea. Until finally, Saxüru, one of the old gods, slips through a fractured barrier and rises from the Red Sea, eager to take dominion.
But war has changed over the centuries, and Saxüru is met with the dogged resistance of Joint Task Force 13 ─ an elite, covert Unit sworn to hold fast against every evil, supernatural threat.
One particular warrior vows to track Saxüru and bring him down. Tapped for assignment aboard the Navy’s highly classified seventh hydrofoil, Thomas ‘Red’ McCraith joins the bedraggled crew of the USS Scorpius as they patrol the shores of a region plagued by political unrest, religious extremists, and dark, ancient sorcery.
The conflict spills over until the fate of all mankind hangs in the balance. With casualties and collateral damage mounting, time grows short for both sides. Tensions mount and the crisis escalates, as Saxüru summons his most horrific creature, Falak, the Serpent ─ which lives only to do its master’s bidding and yearns to feast again on human flesh.
Witch Hunt

They’ll fight the unseen evil, on the land or on the sea!
During one of the earliest blockade actions of the Civil War, Sergeant Alexander Philips of the United States Marine Corps, witnesses an unspeakable horror. With no explanation, he finds himself in charge of a group of hotheads and misfits in a strange, unorthodox unit. His new commander is the enigmatic Lieutenant Addison Green, who knows nothing about the military, but a great deal about something else entirely. He comes bearing a collection of weapons geared towards fighting something other than confederates.
The marines of M Company take part in the Battle of Roanoke Island, doing a job far different than that of the other soldiers. They learn their true purpose—hunting the monsters that flood into the world in times of conflict. In the jungles of Roanoke, they find their first mission—the hunt down the mysterious woman in white, a witch who commands the legions of hell and enchants the unsuspecting.
Their journey takes them through Saint Augustine and behind enemy lines to New Orleans, where they find an even greater threat to the Union than they ever expected.

High Hopes
With the Great War raging across Europe, Sergeant Jones and his crack team of Special Unit Thirteen Marines are called upon to investigate the strange disappearance of allied aircraft north of France in the mountains of Belgium.
Pilot, Lance Corporal Jackson and his gunner/bombardier, Sous-Lieutenant Marcel Moreau, find themselves deep behind enemy lines, fighting for their lives against an evil and ancient airborne threat in support of Special Unit Thirteen’s efforts on the ground.
Can they survive long enough to eliminate the threat, and secure the battlefield from the Keiser’s massing forces?
Legends: A Joint Task Force 13 Anthology

There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae…
During times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs.
But there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts, and grim determination.
In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force Thirteen, those who have proven they have the mettle on the battlefield. This organization has been intertwined with our country since before its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward.
JTF-13, – They hold the line … BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL.
Legends: A Joint Task Force Thirteen anthology is a fresh collection of stories spanning over one hundred years in the JTF-13 universe. With continuing storylines from Lloyd Behm, Casey Moores, and William Joseph Roberts, any fan of the series is guaranteed to enjoy this collection.