William Joseph Roberts Presents: Wyld Magick

Genre: Fantasy

Theme: Forest Fae

Concept: Change comes for all. Come, dance through the Wyld places. Bear witness to a world that fights against the encroachment of civilization. Wyld Magick, the latest offering from Three Ravens Publishing, peels back the veil, giving you a taste of a world full of dryads, elementals, and strange beasts unseen by any who now walk the earth.

Word Count: 5,000 – 10,000 (standard word count)

Edited by: Philip K. Booker / William Joseph Roberts

Opening Essay: TBD

Anchor Author: Faith Hunter

Due Date: November 1, 2024

Email Submissions to: threeeravenspublishing@gmail.com with “Wyld Magick” in the subject line

Payment: Stories selected for publication in the upcoming Anthology(ies), will receive a percentage of sales divided equally between the contributing authors.

Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here