I know what you’re thinking, rednecks against the forces of evil in their natural environments is a new #1 bestseller? How can this be possible?
It’s because of the amazing stories and the awesome team of authors that we’ve put together that have made this title the new number one bestseller.
Not only are we #1 in the Horror Anthologies (Kindle) category, but as of the time I’m typing this, we are also sitting at #2 in the Horror Anthologies (books) category and #2 in the Horror Comedy category.
We’re sitting on the ragged edge of three possible #1 best seller categories.
Not only that, our ranking in the overall Amazon store is just as mind-blowing! We’re a hair’s breadth away from hitting number one in all three overall ranking categories, not just new releases!
So if you want a great collection of creature feature horror stories to curl up with this weekend, take a little trip down to the trailer park and see what we’ve got going on.