We’re a little late to the Mother’s Day party, but is it ever really too late to celebrate motherhood? That said, rather than focus on real mothers, let’s take a moment to appreciate the best moms that exist in fiction. Who is your favorite? Who really resonates with you? Is she a main character, a supporting cast member, or does she only exist in the main character’s backstory? Is she a biological mother, or a motherly figure, or both?
For me, I always loved Polgara from David Eddings’ Belgariad series. She definitely gives off motherly vibes, even if those vibes are of the “Don’t piss me off or you’re getting paddled” variety. Then there’s Princess Anita from Raymond Feist’s Midkemia series of books, particularly the ones featuring the sons of Anita and her husband, Prince Arutha. She’s a bit of a background character after a point, but the love she has for her children is real.
In the realm of anime, there are many to choose from. Al and Ed’s mother from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, who never lost faith in her husband even when her children questioned why he would leave them at such an early age. In Fairy Tale, there’s the character Mirajane who, while not a mother, protects and watches over her fellow guildmates like a mother hen watching her chicks. Quiet, sweet, but ready to deal all sorts of hell if the situation warrants it. And for those who don’t mind doing a little bit of digging, the character Soh-Yon from the anime Beast Player Erin (Sadly no longer on Crunchyroll) is a great example of a mother who’ll do anything for her daughter Erin, the main character. I can’t say much more without spoiling it here. The anime may no longer be available, but the book it’s based on is around in all the traditional formats.
(If you’d like to know more about the different anime mothers I really like, head on over to my site! It’s the topic I’m posting about today. Also, in the coming days the newsletter sign-up will go live, with a free novella set in my Necrolopolis dark fantasy universe to all who subscribe!)
Okay, enough waxing poetic about other peoples’ works, including my own. Time for some Three Ravens news!
Song of Sangr out to early readers!
As the headline implies, Gustavo Bondini’s Song of Sangr’s release date approaches swiftly! For early readers who’ve signed up, check your inbox because it’s on the way!

Newest Corner Scribblers is around the corner, too!
Hold on to your nearest gravity well, because the next Corner Scribblers anthology is preparing to open a rift in the space-time continuum. Unexpected Paths will feature portal fantasy and sci-fi, and the stories in it are all top-notch.

LibertyCon is closing in!
LibertyCon is almost here, and Three Ravens will be there in force. Expect to find us and several of our authors in Chattanooga from June 17th through the 19th. It’s gonna be a blast, and we hope to see you there!