How to Kill Your Favorite Mythical Monster

What is your favorite monster or creature of legend? If it suddenly attacked you, would you know how to fight it? Could you kill it, or would you be monster chow?

For the members of Joint Task Force 13, those questions are the kind they have to deal with on a fairly regular basis. Since the founding of the United States, this secretive unit has had the duty of protecting America and the world from the forces beyond the veil. Many of these men and women throughout history have gained legendary status to equal that of the monsters they fight.

When legends rise up from the pages of history to do destroy mankind, mankind must send its own legends into battle. Look for some of these heroes in the JTF-13: Legends anthology coming out soon!

There is a thin wall between our world and that of the Fae… During times of war, it is easily stepped through. The passions and emotions stirred by violence and combat bleed over, and the supernatural often awake from long slumber to meddle in mortal affairs.

But there have always been those among us who have been willing to meet the supernatural threat with cold steel, burning hearts, and grim determination. In modern America, they are the men and women of Joint Task Force Thirteen, those who have proven they have the mettle on the battlefield. This organization has been intertwined with our country since before its birth. The name changes, but they are always there, ready to answer the call. Unknown, seeking no glory, asking no reward.

JTF-13, – They hold the line … BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL.

Legends: A Joint Task Force Thirteen anthology is a fresh collection of stories spanning over one hundred years in the JTF-13 universe. With continuing storylines from Lloyd Behm, Casey Moores, and William Joseph Roberts, any fan of the series is guaranteed to enjoy this collection.

Trailer Parks and Monsters

Creatures of myth and legend don’t just fill the pages of the JTF-13 anthology. The trailer parks (and their fantasy equivalents) of the upcoming It Came From the Trailer Park 2 anthology is chock full of weirdos, rednecks, and out-of-control Karens. And we haven’t even gotten to the monsters they have to fight! Look for that to release on Halloween!

Think beer, snuff, and double-ought buckshot are what make rednecks tough?

Suburban soccer moms and soy latte-sipping men have no clue what these blue collar men and women have to put up with on a daily basis. From chupacabras chewing the cable lines during the big game to zombie infestations boiling out from beneath that derelict double-wide on the other side of the trailer park, the heroes of It Came From the Trailer Park II have their work cut out for them! Hold their beer, Romero and Hitchcock. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

With stories by Jonathan Maberry, Arlan Andrews Sr., Philip K. Booker, Benjamin Tyler Smith, John M. Floyd, Michael J. Allen, Jenny Wren, Rob Smales, Mel Todd, Jerry Harwood, Christopher Woods, William Joseph Roberts, and Guest Editorial by the Lord of Hate himself, Larry Corriea.

So pull on your boots, grab the whiskey, and don’t forget the shotgun. You’re in for a wild ride of backwoods madmen, hidden horrors and explosive hijinks no amount of moonshine will help you forget.

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