Sunday Musings: What’s the Best Way to Remember the Important Things?

We were visiting my wife’s family yesterday for a birthday party, and my brother-in-law and I got to talking: as parents of toddlers and babies, how do we keep our thoughts straight in our heads? There are so many distractions that come into a home once a child arrives, and it gets even worse once a second and third get added to the mix! Not only does that cut down on time for both chores and relaxation, it’s easy for a thought to get pushed way into the dark recesses of the mind whenever the crying and screaming starts. Kids are a joy and a gift, but they are also a handful that seemingly occupy about 150% of the brain space in a given moment!

For my brother-in-law, he sets a lot of reminders on his phone. Since I don’t possess a smart phone, I’ll sometimes set alarms but mostly I try to write things down. I used to be a lot better about it, but have gotten away from it along with other things that need to get done due to a lack of time. My day consists of writing, day job, and parenting, and not much else in-between. I know some of my writer friends have gotten into using daily planners, and that’s something I’m thinking about, too. Before that, though, I need to figure out where it’s going to be and make sure nothing gets stacked on top of it!

What do you do to keep from forgetting what you need to do? Or are you able to keep it all in your head? If so, my hat’s off to you! If you can’t, you are not alone.

And speaking of important things we need to be reminded of before it’s too late…

Nerdi Gras – William Joseph Roberts Guest Slot Confirmed!

It’s official: my partner-in-crime William Joseph Roberts is bound for Nerdi Gras coming up in less than a week! Nerdi Gras begins March 10th in Atlanta and runs through March 12th. If you’re in the area and want to get in on a fun convention during its first year, now’s your chance. With guests like Steve Jackson (of Steve Jackson Games), D.C. Douglas (The voice of Albert Wesker from Resident Evil), Mark Meer (The voice of Shepard from Mass Effect), and writers/publishers like Mel Todd and our own Hillbilly, you can’t go wrong. There’s going to be something for everybody.

A Review of Declan Finn’s Love at First Bite Series

While these reviews are from several years ago, they no less relevant today! For those of you haven’t read any of the Love at First Bite series we at Three Ravens are excited to re-release, JD Cowan has written reviews for books one and three: Honor at Stake, and Live and Let Bite. If you’re the least bit into urban fantasy, you’re not going to want to miss this or the next three books when they drop in our Amazon list!

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