Sunday Musings: How To Make Up For Stolen Time?

Another Daylight Savings day is upon us! A day when the government monkeys around with the flow of space and time for… why do we do this again? Is it really for the children or the farmers or whichever group politicians and lobbyists say it’s for, or is something a bit more… mercantilistic going on?

The federal government takes hundreds of millions of hours from its citizens (Except for those brave souls in Hawaii and Arizona who stand their ground against this temporal thievery) each year, only to seemingly give it all back several months later. We all grumble and gripe but ultimately go along with it because “It’s a wash!” Is it really a wash, though? Or is something more akin to how a bank operates occurring?

There’s your writing prompt for the week! A situation where a time bank (or mana bank, or something that is equal parts measurable and intangible) is doing some funny business with what they’ve got. And if you want to continue my insane musings and ramblings, this is the subject of the morning’s post on my site: Join the party!

Is Hillbilly going to complain about me promoting my own site on a post for Three Ravens? He better not. He’s the one who’s always saying we need to put ourselves out there! So, here we are.

Anyway. Speaking of Hillbilly…

Nerdi Gras Goin’ Strong!

Last I heard from Hillbilly, Nerdi Gras’s maiden voyage is going well! Lots of games, books, and fun to be had by all. If you’re in the Atlanta area, today is the last day, so go check it out! He’s been having a lot of fun with Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games, getting his butt kicked in Car Wars and other games being offered by the company.

Open Submissions Calls!

Interested in writing for Three Ravens? Got a short story you’re just itching to get out, but aren’t sure where to submit it? We likely have you covered! Head over to our open calls page and you’ll find an anthology for just about everyone. Other than the specific guidelines for each anthology, our primary goal is to read and publish entertaining adventure stories! Pull us into your world with engaging characters, an action-oriented plot, and a cool setting we’d love to spend hours and hours exploring.

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