The Best Awards for the Best Books!

Imaginarium is going full-swing, and the Imadjinn Awards ceremony and dinner has just ended not too long ago. While we know many great books, stories, narrations, and indie films were nominated, there could only be one winner for each category. And we at Three Ravens are both proud and humbled to take home four of those awards, including the Sizemore, an award given to the best small press. This year, it was for Three Ravens’ fantastic community of authors, editors, first readers, and fans!

The Sizemore, Best Fantasy Novel, Best Steampunk Novel, Best Audio Book

William Joseph Roberts’ Fallen World novel Wildcat won the award for Best Audio Book. Narrated by the great Mark Boyett, if the post-apocalypse is your thing, you won’t want to miss it on Audible!

As for the remaining two awards, they went to the same author!

Yes, you read that right: the awards for Best Fantasy Novel and Best Steampunk Novel went to our very own Michael K. Falciani for The Gray Throne and The Dwarves of Rahm: Omens of War, respectively. Both novels are set on different continents in his Raven and the Crow universe, and we can’t recommend them enough. Look for both on Amazon, and look for Dwarves of Rahm’s audio book soon!

We’re also thrilled to give a shout-out to friends and fellow authors Nick Steverson and Melissa Olthoff! They took home Best Science Fiction Novel and Best Short Story, respectively. Well done! Both stories are excellent and well worth everyone’s time to read:

Imaginarium has been a big hit for those who’ve been able to make it! Three Ravens Publishing is well represented by William Joseph Roberts, Meg the Word Witch, and a whole crew of writers, first readers, editors, and reader super fans! Those of us who couldn’t make it this year can only watch on with pride (and more than a little envy) at what our fellow travelers of the writing path have been able to accomplish. Again, well done to all!

Really jealous I couldn’t be here! Great company, and excellent food!

Charity Anthology Open Call – First Responder Heroes

Our friends at Raconteur Press are putting together a charity anthology in honor of Officer Mark Christopher Wagner and others who have fallen in the line of duty. Chris is author J.F. Posthumus’s late son who was slain last month attempting to apprehend a violent suspect (See Article Here). The editors at RacPress are looking for stories featuring first responders acting as everyday heroes, with a max length of 10,000 words. There are no genre limits, and the stories can be either fiction or nonfiction. Deadline is August 4th.

Submission Guidelines:

Any submission must be in Times New Roman, 12PT, double spaced, with your legal name, title of the story, your author name, and your email on it. Please attach the file to your email, no links. Please do not use headers and footers on your document. Email to

Submission Challenge! 45 to 50K for the B.E.N.T Universe!

We have another open call to announce, this one through Three Ravens and for short novels in the superhero/supervillain B.E.N.T Universe. William Joseph Roberts calls it “45 to 50K” or 45 days to knock out a ready-to-turn-in novel of 50,000 words based in the B.E.N.T. universe by Christopher Woods!

The universe is modern-day superheroes with a few historical shifts starting in the 1950s. A main universe bible is being completed, but until then, the first novel of the series Annoyed with Lloyd is available on Amazon as a reference point. Check it out, and get ready to start writing! The challenge begins Monday, July 17th and ends at midnight on August 31st.

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