My mind almost always goes to spring cleaning, time to plant and prep the garden, and the rebirth of the world for another season.

And that’s exactly what’s going on around Raven Central. We’ve been opening the windows, sweeping out the old, and prepping the land for another year of planting and growth.
Going along with that is a little bit of cleanup on the site. So if you happen to see a broken link or something that isn’t working as I’m working on updates and freshening things up, just let me know so I can go fix it.
So, what’s the cleanup and updates? Aside from some major site updates and page cleanup, we’ve got new opportunities for writers, and new releases coming for our readers, and a few cool new networking connections to announce.
New Anthology Open Calls:
If short fiction is your jam, then you’ll want to check out the details on our latest anthology offerings.

Due Date: August 1, 2024
Space Coast Guard stories

Due Date: Oct 1, 2024
Steampunk Adventure Fiction

Due Date: November 1, 2024
Forest Fae Fantasy
Coming Soon!
A quick reminder, that for any new releases, including presales we will donate $1 per sale to the Shepherd’s Men to help support their mission battling veteran suicide and more.
JR Handley Presents: Assault Team

If you hadn’t noticed, we’ve recently teamed up with J.R. Handley and Bayonet Books to help with the workload of anthologies.
Assault Team, is the first offering of this productive union.
Request permission to come aboard?
Not this time!
We’ve got 12 of the best swashbuckling boarding action tales this side of the Milky Way! This anthology is a collection of stories about the everyday hero rising to the occasion during combat operations. Some of these stories highlight the assault team and sometimes the defenders. But regardless of which side of the boarding party they are on, uncommon courage is a common virtue that day.
With special introductions by authors John Hemry and William Joseph Roberts!
Go Hard or Go Home

Go Hard or Go Home will be released shortly to the Kickstarter backers, then it will be out to early readers and scheduled for release to the public. If Car Wars fiction is your thing, then you’ll want to keep an eye out for this one.
The big events may get most of the limelight, but that’s not where all the action happens.
This collection of fast-paced, action-packed stories highlights the road warriors who struggle to survive, without the glory of the duel. Caravan guards, gun bunnies, insurance adjusters, mechanics, reporters, scavengers, and more!
If you can’t keep up, maybe it’s time to head back to the garage…
So… what’ll it be? Will you Go Hard or Go Home?
The Book of Skulls NOW available!

The Book of Skulls is the next release in the Silverberg Classics series offered by Three Ravens Publishing, bringing some of the greatest titles from Hugo and Nebula award-winning author, Robert Silverberg back into print.
From Hugo and Nebula Award–winning author, Robert Silverberg comes the classic: The Book of Skulls.
Four friends embark on a cross-country trip in search of a legendary monastery. There, they hope to find the secrets of immortality promised in an ancient manuscript, the Book of Skulls
There, they will present themselves–and pay the horrific price demanded. For immortality requires sacrifice. Two victims to balance two survivors. One by suicide, one by murder.
Beneath the gaze of grinning skulls, the terror begins. . . .
Brand New Audio NOW available!

Blood, Sweat, and Steel: Tales of Future Combat and Mechanized Warfare.
“Invincibility lies in the defense, the possibility of victory in the attack”. ~Sun Tzu
But war never changes…
Sure, men fight for their beliefs, their country, and their ways of life. And oftentimes the battles are hard fought and devastating. But more often than not, the outcome is decided by who has the better gear.
Really, what good is a grunt if you have a main battle tank at your disposal?
Follow these troopers and their units through skirmishes and tide-turning battles as they sacrifice their own blood, sweat, and steel.
With stories by Kevin Ikenberry, J. R. Handley, Liska McCabe, Morgan Chalfant, Casey Moores, J.F. Holmes, William Joseph Roberts, Sergio Palumbo, Rick Partlow, and an opening essay by David Drake.
Upcoming Appearances
Looking to catch me or other potential Ravens at a conference, keep an eye on our calendar for Convention updates.

Atlanta Georgia
Games • Costumes • Entertainment

Atlanta Georgia
a Science Fiction/Fantasy literature convention founded in honor of Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time
Educational opportunities for authors

We’ve teamed up with Jana S. Brown and CJ Anaya from Geek Girls Academy to create COACHING FROM THE CORVID CLASSROOM.
This series of training classes from newsletters to story and character arcs will also include talks from industry experts to pass on the tribal knowledge they’ve accumulated over the years working in the industry.
The first of such classes is scheduled for this coming Friday, March 15th at 9pm Eastern, and will cover the dreaded author newsletter. Sign up here:

We’ve also teamed up with Dave Farland’s APEX-Writer’s group, to bring knowledge of the craft and business to our authors.

Additional APEX Writers links:
As well as new marketing capabilities that our authors can participate in with us through CraveBooks

Are you a Metal Head?
If you are, then you’ll be interested in our team up with the band Revolution-X out of Janesville Wisconsin. To me, their sound is like a mashup of Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, and Slipknot. Good, hardcore style of metal that pairs well with certain genres.
So expect to hear a bit of their tunes in upcoming audio books or audio ads moving forward.

In 2015 Danny Tableman and Jay Austin got together for a let loose-n-have fun jam and the initial chemistry was undeniable. At the time, both were looking to start a new collaboration after perfecting their chops over several years with other regionally successful bands. The rebellion that would-be Revolution-X had begun. Original Drummer Josh Stage helped create both the “Burning Empire EP” and “R-Evolution” albums. When Vocalist Dan Swanson was brought in, the line-up was complete. Parting ways with Drummer Josh Stage after two years was tough but new drummer Scott Wallace has the chops to keep the bus rolling and continue the evolution. The chemistry of four unique styles coming together to create our own sound is undeniable. When four become one, the revolution has begun.
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2 responses to “What comes to mind when you think of Spring?”
You all are fantastically busy! Congratulations for all the irons in the fire!
It’s busy, but it’s a good busy