Time is Running Out on the Space Pew Pew Kickstarter!

Three days left to go on the SPACE PEW PEW Kickstarter campaign, and we’re already three times beyond the original goal and you’ve helped us unlock eight stretch goals. Eight! We can’t believe how far we’ve come, and we’re hoping we can go a bit farther! As of this writing, we’re just a little under $150 shy of Stretch Goal #9, free Three Ravens audio books for all backers!

And that’s not all! Here are the next couple stretch goals that we’re within striking distance of:

And if that isn’t enough, the final stretch goal unlocks Challenge Coins for the Pewverse! Now, who wouldn’t want to see the kinds of celestial weirdness David can cook up and that Hillybilly can get minted on a coin? It’ll be hilarious, it’ll be grotesque, and it’ll be worth it!

If you’ve already backed the project, thank you so much! Did you take a look at the add-ons and extra swag you can snag? And if you haven’t backed it yet, maybe this list will entice you:

Well? What are you waiting for? Click the button below, and let’s get to the Pew!

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