Black Friday is upon us, and so are several new releases!

Who’s looking forward to the short week ahead, excess doses of tryptophan, and seeing those relatives you only have to deal with once or twice a year?

Luckily that won’t be us this year. We have had our own tradition during the holidays where we make a crap ton of snack foods and spend the long weekend playing D&D. The kids have been looking forward to getting back into our campaign that was put on hold for “chore” and con season. But now that we’re back to the colder months, it’s time to get back to the story.

This year, the chosen offering to be sacrificed to the snack food gods will be a mini taco bar, full of all the trimmings and extras that we can snack on as we see fit on Thursday. After that I’m sure it’ll digress into a free for all of any other snack foods left in the house. Then we can sit back and watch the feral children fight for the last remaining cookies and such.

Now, it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t toss out the weekend safety brief and remind everyone to be safe, don’t do anything stupid, don’t add to the population, don’t subtract to the population, relax and have fun.


With all of that said, Let’s get to the business bits. Click on the image to follow the links.

Author Spotlight

Recently, author and retired Colonel Arnold Montgomery was interviewed on his local news station. You can check out the interview below.

Recent Releases

For John Fisher, it’s just another day at the office. But his “office” is a black Dodge Durango, rolling through the wild heart of the nation’s federal lands. Legends aren’t myths here; they’re reality. Creatures of shadow and blood, granted their place in the world after the Civil Rights Movement.

The law’s clear: magic is legal… until it’s used against the land, the people, or the rules of the natural order. Then, it’s his job to bring them in.

John’s not just any cop. He’s got the skills of a SEAL, the instincts of a predator, and a network deep inside the supernatural world. Werewolf, vampire, sorcerer – it doesn’t matter. No matter what you are, when you break the rules, he’s coming for you.

Everyone likes a good vacation, don’t they?

You hear the word Vacation and it brings up thoughts of water, sand, refreshing drinks, and fun times.

Of course, when your budget matches your monthly grocery bill, expectations have to be lowered and surprises expected, and not usually the good kind.

With thirteen stories of action, adventure, horror, and down right knee slapping fun, you’d best buckle up butter cup, you’re going on a trailer park Vacation!

All Tom wanted was to do his job.

But when he accidentally walks into the middle of a feud between two sweet little old ladies, he finds out life in Fernald Court old age housing isn’t what it seems. There’s blood on the rooftops, bodies on the floor, and oddities skulking in the night.

And though the ladies are little and old, one of them is the furthest thing from sweet.

Available for Preorder

SPACE PEW PEW is a story about friendship, loyalty, and camaraderie set in the unforgiving expanse of the universe!

Alex (a charming, underachieving smuggler) and his best buddy Toshiro (a sarcastic android) piss off a Euclidian arms dealer and end up as major players in an intergalactic war!

There’s oodles of laughs, plenty of violence, more pop-culture references than you can shake a mediocre CGI-infested prequel trilogy at, and penis jokes!

Also, the Author is very attractive. And poor. You should really buy this book.

In the timeless dance between land and sea, the lighthouse stands as a beacon of guidance, guarding against the storm and lighting the way through the darkest nights. This anthology brings together a diverse collection of stories inspired by these steadfast sentinels of the shore.

Whether bathed in the glow of a distant light or buffeted by fierce waves, these stories will carry you on a journey across windswept coasts and deep, mysterious seas, where every light offers a new beginning, and every storm hides a deeper truth.

Anthology Open Calls

It Came From the Trailer Park Volume 5

After the success of the previous Trailer Park anthologies, we’ve decided to bring it back for another release of fun Creature Feature Horror.

Stories should be original creature-feature, horror-comedy with the same feel as The Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Shaun of the Dead, or Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. And of course, our heroes winning the day in all of their redneck glory. 

The added challenge this year, should you choose to accept it, volume 5 submissions should have a “Creep Killer Clown” twist to it.

Not sure what we’re looking for? Think Pennywise, Killer Clowns from Outerspace, or John Wayne Gacy.

  • Genre: Horror Comedy / Creature Feature
  • Word Count: 5,000 – 10,000
  • Opening Essay by: TBD
  • Edited by: William Joseph Roberts
  • Anchor Author: TBD
  • Due Date: July 1, 2025

Email submissions to: threeravenspublishing @ gmail dot com with “Trailer Park” in the subject line

Payment: Stories selected for publication in the upcoming Anthology(ies), will receive a percentage of sales divided equally between the contributing authors.

Please follow the Three Ravens submission guidelines that can be found here

Seems a Little Crazy!

This was one of the projects that I had really been looking forward to, because I love a good Conspiracy Theory. And while there were a lot of great stories submitted, there were only a handful that fit into what I was looking for as “Conspiracy Theory” stories.

As such, I went back and forth on what to do with the anthology, to include individually offering to publish those few stories that did hit the mark. But in the end, I felt it was only right to cancel the project. It doesn’t mean we won’t try it again in the future.

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